Tomasz Kondracki, PhD, Doctor of Dental Surgery

Master in Fixed Prosthetics and Implantology – University Paris VI
Clinical assistant in the Institut of Dentistry, CHU Pitié -
Salpêtrière in Paris.
Currently practicing in the dental office in Warsaw, street Dobra 11
Welcomes you to his web site and invites you to explore it.
This site is designed to present my clinical practice.


1. The use of the retention bar system in the implantoprosthetic rehabilitation of totally edentulous arches. TPS 2010;4
2. Bridges inlays-onlays pour le traitement des édentements unitaires :formes cliniques. Analyse comparative T. Kondracki, J.-L. Pigot, M. Machureau. Les cahiers de prothèse 2009 ; 145

The indications and the functions of the stress breaker in the form of the rigid occlusal tappet support in the constructions of fixed bridges. TPS 2009;7-8

4. The single-implant restorations and the conventional inlay-onlay bridges as the prosthetic treatment of single missing teeth– the comparative analysis of the indications. dr n. med T. Kondracki , dr hab. n. med. Maria Gołębiewska Implantoprotetyka 2009;3 (36)

The patients’ claims after dental treatment and the dentists professional responsibility. The ethical and medicolegal issues. TPS 2009;1

6. The prosthetic treatment of single missing teeth with conventional inlay-onlay bridges and the single-implant restorations - 5-years clinical follow – up study. dr n. med T. Kondracki , dr hab. n. med. Maria Gołębiewska Implantoprotetyka 2008;3(32)
7. The complications and failures in the implantprosthetic rehabilitations.TPS 2008;9
8. The clinical performance and the conditions for successful treatment of all-ceramic zirconium crowns. TPS 2008;5
9. The conventional inlay-onlay bridges as an alternative treatment to single – implant supported restoration. TPS 2007;4
10. The clinical performance and the conditions for successful treatment of galvanic crowns.TPS 2007;10
11. The actual therapeutic solutions in the prosthetic treatment of single missing teeth.TPS 2006;11
12. Prevention procedures and dental care of the patients with the cardiopathies involving infectious endocarditis. T.Kondracki ,P. Kralisz Magazyn Medyczny 2002;2
13. Principles for single-implant supported restorations of the multiradicular tooth Quintessence Periodontologia-Implanty 2002; 3.
14. Lakermance’s inlay-onlay in « Y » form – prosthetic solution in the rehabilitation of single anterior missing tooth. Les cahiers de prothèse 2002;118.
15. Mac Boyle’s bridge – an alternative treatment to single – implant supported restoration in the posterior sides of dental arc. Quintessence dla lekarzy stomatologów 2002;1.
16. The spring cantilever bridges – the treatment of single missing teeth in anterior region of the maxillae. Case report. Quintessence dla lekarzy stomatologów 2001;5.
17. The single missing tooth: prosthetics restorations by inlay-onlay bridges and single implant supported crowns. Parameters of the choice. Mémoire pour le titre d’Assistant Etranger.Université Pierre et Marie Curie ParisVI, Faculté de Médecine Pitié-Salpètrière 2001, Paris.
18. The comparative state of oral hygiene in patients’ populations from Poland and France. A.Pawlik, T.Kondracki Magazyn Stomatologiczny 1997;6(71)


Professional experience