Tomasz Kondracki, PhD, Doctor of Dental Surgery

Master in Fixed Prosthetics and Implantology – University Paris VI
Clinical assistant in the Institut of Dentistry, CHU Pitié -
Salpêtrière in Paris.
Currently practicing in the dental office in Warsaw, street Dobra 11
Welcomes you to his web site and invites you to explore it.
This site is designed to present my clinical practice.

Charges and claim forms

A dental treatment has to be adapted to the individual condition of the oral health and patient’s expectation. The charges depend on chosen treatment (materials’ quality, technologies, complexity and difficulties of treatment, time involved).

I may prepare you an evaluation of the total coast of your dental treatment in written form (English or French) and other medical documents showing a detailed description of care received, the bills related to treatment or claim forms for the reimbursement by your insurance agency.

Approximate charges for the dental care and the prosthetic restorations
Specialist practice consultation ,second opinion or examination 100 zł
Scaling, polishing and topical fluoride application 300-500zł
Vital teeth whitening 1200 zł
Simple dental extractions 150-300 zł
Complicated extractions (root separation, alveolectomy, osteotomy) 500 zł
Surgery of soft tissues (gingivectomy, frenectomy,periodontal treatment) 150-500 zł
Endosseous Implantation surgery 3000 zł
Filling – composite or amalgam 150-450 zł
Root canal treatment 350-800 zł
Re-treatment of unsuccessful previous root therapy 500-1000 zł
Prosthetic restorations
Veneers (per tooth) 1500 zł
Inaly-onlay bonded fillings (composite resin or ceramic or full cast gold alloy) 1200 zł
Adhesive bridge (per tooth) 1500 zł
Standard post -core 500 zł
Conventional full cast or cast metal-ceramic crown 1500 zł
Full ceramic crown (Zirconium) 2000 zł
Full acrylic denture 2500 zł
Partial metallic denture -stellite 2500 zł
Removable dentures with precision attachments
(ball, connectors, retention bar system or telescopic crowns) 3500 zł
Precision attachments for the retention of the removable prosthesis
(connectors, retention bar, telescopic crown ) 1200-1800 zł
Fixed implant supported crowns and bridgeworks (per tooth) 3500 zł
Implant supported overdenture 2000-2500 zł
Acrylic bite raiser 600 zł
X-ray guide and surgical template for implantation surgery 300 zł